Bonus Pointers for Converting DWG to STL.At the push of a button, 3D-Tool provides the dimensions, the surface area and the volume for all parts of a model. The CAD-Viewer and Converter from 3D-Tool has useful tools to analyze 3D models without CAD knowledge. After that you just import the STL from the “import” button, then right click on the imported STL object in the main editing window and select “Convert to base feature” It works far better than any other option I have found out there, so it’s definitly worth taking the time to make it work if you can.For an assembly file, use the BIM Simplify tools reduce the complexity of the model and combine the components into one simplified part. Open an Inventor or open a 3rd party file. 2016 SOLIDWORKS Help - Autodesk Inventor Files Cheers, This is because, In order for the Import to happen, Solidworks Users One of the above installation to Import the *.ipt or *.iam files into Solidworks. As a Check, Do you have Inventor 2016 or Inventor View 2016 (Free Viewer) Installed on your System.